portland wildfire 2020


If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll know that September was a rough month. A few weeks ago, major wildfires burned throughout my state of Oregon. Some were dangerously close to the city of Portland itself. For two weeks, smoke obscured the sky and the air was a hazy brownish/orange color. Air quality was so bad that Portland’s AQI, a scientific index measuring the quality of air, consistently had readings between 475 and 600 (for context, clean air has an AQI reading between 0 and 50; the scale maxes out at 500). Our local government warned us to stay by our phones for alerts about evacuations, and advised us against any activities that would increase our heart rate and breathing.

Last month, I talked about how Erlend and I were re-evaluating whether or not we wanted to stay in my house. The wildfires, however, added fuel (ha) to our discussion. I’d always thought that the oldness of my house was an asset. The house was built in 1912, with charming period details like crown molding and bay windows. However, many of those windows are in desperate need of replacing—something we’d planned to do this year, before we called off our remodeling plans due to COVID.

Unfortunately, it was a mistake to delay our upgrades. To our horror, smoke leaked through almost all the old windows and doors of the house. And without a modern HVAC system to help filter the air, there was no escaping it. Instead, we spent the two weeks wearing N95 masks indoors, only taking them off to eat and sleep. Meanwhile, as I shared Instagram Stories of the grim experience on my Instagram account, I had a handful of folks DM me to say that my “anarchist” city deserved to burn and didn’t deserve any federal help, and that climate change was a hoax (it’s not, by the way). 

It was a dark time, to say the least. 

Luckily, I’m somewhat out of the woods. The smoke has cleared in Portland (for the time being, though some of the fires sadly burn on). Although I’m now intensely behind on work, I’m hoping that I can get back to a regular cadence of developing recipes soon. And of course, by the end of the month, I hope to share some good news with you guys about our current situation.

How are you guys doing? 

In Case You Missed It: New Recipes

And in case you missed it, I published and updated the following recipes in the past month. Here’s a round-up of everything new:

Below are pictures of the two most popular recipes from the month—Hershey’s Perfectly Chocolate Cake and Small Batch Lemon Poppy Seed Muffins—to inspire you:

hershey's perfectly chocolate cake
small batch lemon poppy seed muffins

New Cookbooks

So many of my friends, acquaintances, and peers wrote amazing cookbooks that came out last month (or are about to)! A few of my faves were all about pie:

Food For Thought

This past month, I also spent a LOT of time thinking and reading about food beyond the baking recipes you see on this blog. Here are the ideas and issues that resonated with me:

Recipes and Resources To Save

And here are the recipes and cooking-related resources I saved these last few weeks:

Finally, On A Lighthearted Note

Now, I hope you all are staying safe and healthy! Please let me know how you’re doing in the comments below, and feel free to share the ideas and issues that are floating around in your heads, too.
